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Shoulder Arthroscopy Surgery - The Revolutionary Treatment

Date :22-Jan-2019

Shoulder related issues have always been a problem amongst the middle-aged and older citizens. Many surgeries are recommended for the treatment but shoulder arthroscopy has been particularly popular within the last few years. Here's a brief description about Shoulder Arthroscopy.

What is shoulder arthroscopy surgery?

Shoulder arthroscopy is a surgical procedure which is performed to diagnose and treat shoulder joint related problems and also the issues in the rotator cuff. Small incisions are made to insert special surgical instruments like the arthroscope, which is a thin tool that has magnifying lenses and a light source. The instrument is attached to a tiny camera that projects a clear view of the area which is to be treated, on a television screen. In such a way, the surgeon will be able to see a detailed view of the shoulder.


arthrosocpic shoulder surgery in chennai


What are the processes during a shoulder arthroscopy surgery?

An outpatient surgery setting is used for a shoulder arthroscopy. The type of anesthesia to be given can be decided by the patient, the doctor or the anesthesiologist. After providing the anesthesia, the surgeon makes two to three small incisions to insert the arthroscope and the other instruments. In order to get a clear view of the joint, it is filled with sterile fluid. Then the surgery is performed by the view projected on the screen by the camera attached to the arthroscope. The surgery usually takes less than an hour.


Whatare the things to be kept in mind after the surgery? 

  • Make sure the surgical area is not exposed to water and kept dry for the first few days after the surgery.
  • In order to decrease pain and swelling, you may take anti-inflammatory medicines and proper rest too.
  • It is advisable to involve in light exercises a week after the surgery.


 What are the advantages?

  • Fewer complications
  • Faster recovery
  • Reduced pain and swelling
  • Lesser scars compared to conventional surgical methods


arthrosocpic shoulder surgery chennai

Are you also suffering from shoulder issues? How about getting an arthroscopic shoulder surgery in India from the best doctor. Shoulder injury should never be ignored. One of the best orthopaedic specialist in Chennai is Dr. Bharani Kumar Dayanandam. He along with his team uses the best infrastructure and technology to provide the best services to patients from all over the world. He is famous for the shoulder arthroscopy in India.


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Authored by Dr Bharani Kumar Dayanandam, MBBS, Orthopaedic Surgeon

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